
Sunday, August 7, 2011

You're slacking ...

Woke up to the revised 10-day weather forecast today. And um, we have a problem.

I've trained in super humid weather. I can handle it.

I've trained in really hot weather. I can handle it.

I've trained in full sun. I can handle it.

I have trained in rain. I don't want to handle it.

Rain means ponchos, which chafe or get sweaty/sticky. Rain means wet shoes, which mean wet socks, which mean blisters. 

Now, the forecast moved the storms from mid-week to the weekend, so let's all put our positive thoughts together that it'll move them a little further along ... 

Don't get me wrong. If there's rain in the forecast, there's rain. We'll survive. We'll go grab a good rain jacket at the store before we leave on Thursday. 

But I don't want rain *whine*  

OK. Over it now. Thanks for letting me whine. In the meantime, please, please, please do your anti-rain dance... give it all you got!

P.S. Meanwhile, if you have a recommendation for good, lightweight rain gear that won't cost me a fortune (yes, I love North Face too, but that's just not going to happen this time), give me a shout out!


  1. If you find one that doesn't cost a fortune, please share!

  2. Well, no takers on the jacket suggestion ... I think we'll be doing ponchos, in the hopes that it'll be sporadic rain.
