
Sunday, May 22, 2011

And we're walking...

This weekend was a gorgeous weekend to be home ... warm, sunny and dry ... and a great weekend to get the training mileage back on track.

It has been difficult to get in the recommended weekly mileage the past few weeks ... we've been up north a few weekends, and the weather has NOT been cooperating. When the weekend mileage calls for 10 miles on Saturday and 5 to 6 on Sunday, it's a huge hit to the weekly total when it's a rainout.

But this weekend, we stayed home to do some yard work, and the weather finally cooperated. I got in a 5-mile walk on Thursday, we did an 11-mile walk on Saturday, and a 5-mile walk today (Sunday). With the 3-miles I got in at the gym Tuesday, I hit the recommended 24 miles of walking this week, and feel great about it.

So if it's not to much to ask.... I'm hoping Mother Nature cooperates a little more ... we have a 28-mile week next week, and need to be able to walk up north (12-mile and 7-mile walks). Keep your fingers crossed ...

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