
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Just a little verklempt

As we closed out the Euchre Tournament last night, I had all kinds of things ready in my mind to say.... Thank everyone for coming, especially folks like Aunt Gail (who doesn't play euchre but wanted to come and help); thank everyone for being so generous (like Wendy, Steve and Ray, who donated their wins); thank everyone for their support ... you know, the usual drill.

But when it came time to do that, and I looked out at the living room, dining room, kitchen and family room, filled to the gills with friends and family, I couldn't say anything without tearing up. (Heck, I'm  tearing up sitting here on the couch just thinking about it!)  I'm sure I mumbled a few words, and between Stef and I, I'm pretty sure "thank you" came out.

I can't describe how incredibly overwhelmed we were at the results from the Euchre Tournament. With 36 registered players and 3 friends who came out just to support us, we had nearly 40 people in the house who were incredibly thoughtful and generous with their time and their money.

All told, we raised $1,200 for the Susan G Komen 3-Day for The Cure. That's double what we had hoped for.

So thank you ... from the bottom of my heart (and through the tears in my eyes) ... we are so very blessed to have so many wonderful people who enrich our lives.

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