
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How to celebrate Fat Tuesday

I'm not sure if this is a national thing, or just a Michigan thing (or even southeast Michigan thing), but being Polish (last name = Kowalski), Paczki day (known to the rest of the world as "Fat Tuesday") is an official holiday around here.

All over town, you'll see boxes of these enormous pastries, in dozens of varieties (chocolate covered custard are my favorite!). It's all the media talk about today.

So how am I celebrating?

I'm celebrating "not-quite-as-fat" Fat Tuesday today. I've lost 15 pounds and have dropped at least one size since the beginning of the year. I went to the gym this morning for the eighth day in a row (tomorrow's a day of rest, thankfully). I walked 12 miles last week as part of my first week of training for the 3-Day for the Cure.

So I'm celebrating, but not with a paczki. I hope.

I will stay strong ... maybe.

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