
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Stepping to the beat ... or not...

The past two weeks we've been training for the 3-Day ... the weather hasn't cooperated yet, and with one to three inches forecast for tonight, the outlook isn't good.

So, it's gym time. Specifically, walking on the treadmill for four days each week. Luckily, the max so far has been three miles, which isn't too bad (I'm down to 52 minutes).

But it does mean my iPod and I are getting to be bestest friends. And the music selection is getting a little old.

So ... what's on your workout playlist? What music should I put on my iPod to keep me moving, keep me energized and keep me entertained?

1 comment:

  1. Podcasts and/or books on tape. Once those training walks get longer, it helps to have something to lose yourself in while you walk!

    ~ Kristen
