
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gym rat wannabe?

I'm loving the gym. I love the routine of training for the 3-Day. Who would have ever thought I'd be saying (writing?) those words....

We're on week 20 of the 24-week training schedule for the 3-Day for the Cure. This week's tally is 17 miles: a 3-mile walk (Tuesday), a 4-mile walk (Thursday), a 6-mile walk (Saturday) and 4-mile walk (Sunday). I'm enjoying the walking a lot, with one exception: It's still too dang cold to walk outside comfortably! So we're in the gym. And the mall. Blech. I ended up breaking up the four-mile walk for Thursday and did a mile tonight, so that I don't have to spend nearly 70 minutes on the treadmill tomorrow (*yawn*).

As for the gym? I'm really enjoying the routine ... early workouts Mondays & Fridays, evening workout on Wednesday. Typical workout is about 70 minutes and includes 40 minutes of strength training/nautilus-style equipment and 30 minutes on the elliptical. I'm really pleased that my endurance has increased ... I've come a long way from doing barely 15 minutes at 3mph in August.

So, I've gone from a "gym-a-phobe" in August to a "Gym Rat Wannabe" in March. Again, who would have thunk it.

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