Case in point: This week, we enter in "Week 19." According to my "personal trainer" (the auto-emails from the Komen folks), the training guide calls for 19 miles of walking this week:
- Monday - day of rest
- Tuesday - 3 miles
- Wednesday - 15 minutes cross training
- Thursday -5 miles
- Friday - 30 minutes cross training
- Saturday - 6 miles
- Sunday - 5 miles
Sounds great. Until "Real Llife" settles in and I have to adapt the schedule accordingly. And that's what fraps me out. Trying to figure out how to get it all in, while recognizing that I need more than just 45 minutes of cross training in a week (remember the goal is to NOT pass on out on the sidewalk the first day). And oh yeah, I have a full-time job, two kids and a husband.
And because I'm OCD girl* this causes me a great deal of stress: I need more than 45 minutes of cardio. I have to get in at least 2 days of strength training. I have a Tiger's game to work on Saturday and can't possibly do that and walk 6 miles. It's still 30 freakin' degrees (snow in the forecast for Wednesday, thank you Mother Nature), and walking 5 miles on the treadmill on Thursday sounds like torture. But if I don't commit to the training schedule, I'm not meeting my own expectations. Is this the beginning of the end? Is this the slippery slope?
Argh. See where I'm coming from?
Deep breath.
OK. Not walking every single mile recommended in the 3-Day training guide does NOT mean that I'm a failure. It does NOT meant that I can't walk 60 miles in three days. It does NOT mean that I'm not doing what I can do to raise awareness about breast cancer.
So, what I'm committing to now: I will try my best, each and every week, to do the most that I can possibly do, to train for this walk.
So this week, I will try my best to get in 19 miles by doing the following:
- Monday - strength training (30), cardio (30), walk 1 mile (15) by going to the gym in the morning
- Tuesday - cardio (15) and walk 3 miles (50 minutes) at the gym in the morning
- Wednesday - strength training (30) and cardio (30) in the morning, 3-mile walk in the evening
- Thursday - cardio (15) and walk 3 miles (50 minutes) at the gym in the morning
- Friday - strength training (30) and walk 3 miles (50 minutes) in the gym in the morning
- Saturday - day of rest
- Sunday - walk 6 miles
That brings me close to my goal: 3 days of strength training, 90 minutes of cardio and 19 miles of walking. Throw in a day of fundraising (Saturday), and I'm calling it a win.
And if I don't get there, well, I tried.
*Disclaimer: I truly intend no disrespect for those dealing with a very serious illness, but I simply acknowledge that I tend to obsess on things in a weird way.
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