
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cabin fever

The kids aren't the only ones with cabin fever around here. And although I can't show it by running through the house (Kyle) or sassing everyone in sight (Emma), I'm so ready for this winter to be over.

The official 24-week training program for the 3-Day for The Cure starts the first of March .... and right now, the idea of walking outside doesn't sound that appealing. I want to be able to walk the neighborhood. Go for a walk along the Metro Parkway trail. Check out the flora and fauna. All that.

But for now, my walking is limited to the treadmill. A great view of the TV, but it's not quite the same. 40 minutes is my mental limit for the most part.

Fortunately, the first few weeks of training are relatively low-mileage weeks... I can get 12 or 13 miles in during the week on the treadmill.

But I'm still ready for spring. Let's hope Punxsutawney Phil was right!

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