
Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I've spent some time today letting friends and colleagues know about my choice to participate in the 2011 Susan G Komen 3-Day for a Cure. The predominant question has been "why" ...

This afternoon, a friend asked if I had been touched personally by breast cancer. It led me to tell her "my story" ...

I have no family history of breast cancer. And although I'm a woman, and therefore at risk, I've never considered myself to be uniquely at risk.

I am walking because of my sister.

When she started her adventure in February 2010, I didn't quite get it, but I wanted to be supportive of her. I figured she got some wild hair up her ass (sorry Stef!), since we hadn't been personally affected by breast cancer. Regardless, I love her and wanted to support her and her endeavor.

So I was there to help with fundraising. I made modest donations. I went to the cheering station. Attended the closing ceremony. And generally cheered her on during her personal quest.

It's an understatement to say the ceremony (and even the cheering station) was an incredibly emotional experience.

What hit me the hardest: The Susan G Komen Foundation was established by one woman (Nancy Brinker) whose sister (Susan G Komen) died of breast cancer at age 36.

To me, this event , and these efforts, are about sisterhood. And on a personal level, it's about my sister. Supporting her. And honoring the millions of women who don't have a sister to walk with.

Because I have a sister to walk with. I'm lucky.

Fast forward to the conversation with my friend this afternoon. As I'm telling her this story, I get a little teary eyed (sap!).

I get to the end and say, "So I'm walking with my sister because I have a sister to walk with. And so many women don't."

She looked at me and said, "I don't. My sister died of breast cancer."



  1. I am so happy you are doing this with me! You rock!!!!!! Love you :o)

  2. How did I get so lucky to have TWO such caring and giving daughters?!? It is such a blessing to witness the special bond the two of you share. I love and greatly admire you both!

  3. I'm so proud of you. I got choked up just reading this!
