
Thursday, March 1, 2012

And the panic sets in ...

Not for the first time, I'm sure, but the panic has set in.

We have our first 'official' team fundraiser this weekend, our Euchre Tournament, with 50 players registered. And so, I panic. Will everyone show up? Will they arrive on time? Will we have all our material? I know it'll all work out just fine ... we had a blast last year, and by all measures we should have a great time this year. The forecast looks fine (we had a snowstorm last year), the RSVP count is relatively firm (there's still room if you want to get in!), and the location is perfect (a donated clubhouse).

And Monday starts our 24-week training period. I cannot believe it's here already. I just don't feel ready yet. I'm super swamped at work. I haven't been very good about getting to the gym the past two weeks. (OK, three, if I have to be honest.) And the weather's still pretty iffy most days. On the other hand, the structured regimen of the training schedule will "force" me to get to the gym instead of making up a lame excuse. And the first month's pretty tame, with a lot of 3-mile walks, which are really easy to do on the treadmill. And the weather's truly been amazing this winter, so maybe I can get outside for a brief jaunt.

Oh yeah, and we're walking with a team this year.. there are six of us, four of whom have never walked. Do they have the info they need? Are they doing ok with their training? What am I missing? I have to keep in mind that although they haven't walked before, Stef's husband has been through the walk twice with her, so he's totally aware of what he's getting in to. And our other three teammates are incredibly intelligent, self-sufficient and motivated people... they'll do just great. They're already kicking butt in fundraising!

So I guess I've talked myself out of complete panic. Now it's just partial panic. . .

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