
Friday, April 22, 2011

Garage full of fun

Today was a (much-needed) day off, and it was actually quite productive ... after taking back the remnants from our bottle drive (another $180!) and getting in a 3-mile walk at the gym (over the treadmill, for the record), Stef and I dug our way through her garage and started sorting stuff for our 3-Day for the Cure Garage Sale next weekend.

Wow, there's a lot of stuff.

We sorted through books. Housewares. Craft items. Electronics. Games. Kids stuff. Decor. Furniture.

And that's just what was in her garage. My garage is still to come, and we've got stuff to pick up from friends and family who have offered to donate.

That's the fun part of all of this: A majority of the items we have to sell has been donated by friends and family. It's a lot of fun sorting through, to see what they've given us, and I'm really excited to open the doors on Friday morning.

Watch for photos to come ... Stef's working on the CraigsList posting, which will have photos of some of the items we have to sell. And of course, save the date and stop by to say hi (or buy some treasures!) ... we'll be open Friday, Saturday and Sunday!  (Oh yeah ... pray for good weather. Please?)

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