
Monday, January 10, 2011

Lunks and other gym etiquette

So now that I consider myself a "card-carrying member" of a gym (five visits in a row -- counts for something right?), I'm enjoying the process of observing human behavior in that setting. Some observations:

  • Some guys are just too into themselves. I'm a member at Planet Fitness (18 & Ryan), which prides itself on its "no attitude" and "no lunks" approach. However, that doesn't stop some guys from behaving like idiots when faced with a weight bench. 
  • Cleanliness is next to godliness. I'm amazed that despite signs that say "wipe down equipment when you're done," and tons of sanitizer bottles and paper towels around the place, some people will sweat their booties off on a piece of equipment and leave it. Yummy.
  • Directions are optional. One of the highlights of the gym is the 30-minute circuit they have ... 10 pieces of equipment and 10 stair stepping stations covered in 30 minutes. There are signs posted (again, something about those signs) that give directions on how to use the system ... move in order (each station is numbered 1 through 20). More than once, someone has gone in reverse (which messes the whole system up when we're both in "line" for the same piece of equipment with time ticking) or just popped in and done what they want. Never mind every piece of equipment in that circuit zone is available somewhere else on the floor.
OK. I got it off my chest. Feels good. Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

  1. Bwahahaha, this must be to the dork that started the circuit at station #11 and worked backwards, skipping the stepping!!!!!!! Hoping he sees my stink eye in his sleep tonight!
