
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Where does the time go?

It's not even been a month since the Michigan 3-Day for the Cure, yet I feel like it was a million years ago already. Though I never tire of telling people stories of our experience (be careful if you ask!), it seems as if the event was last year. Maybe it's because we're already looking ahead to 2012...

Really .. we're already planning for the Michigan 2012 3-Day for the Cure (scheduled for Aug. 17, 18 & 19). Some of the highlights:
  • A new team! Stef and I have expanded our teeny tiny team. Right now, well, it's still just the two of us registered. But Kraig (stef's husband) is registering later this month, and a friend Greg is registering as well. His mother died of breast cancer, and his wife walked two years ago. We have a few "prospects" who have said they're thinking about it ... if you're one of them, come on in! The water's warm!!
  • A new team name! We can't really be the "Sistahs Saving the Sisters" when there's more than us sistahs on the team, so we're walking in 2012 under a new name: Save the Toucans: Because two cans are better than no cans.  If you want to join the team, you can find us under Stefanie Smith or the team name, "Save the Toucans."
If you're thinking of signing up for 2012, you have time... I'd just encourage you to make the commitment soon, since it is a huge commitment. The 24-week training schedule starts the beginning of March, but we'll begin fundraising shortly after the first of the year. (Look for your favorites from this year, including the Euchre Party and Brackets for Boobies!) Deciding you're ready to do this now helps you get in the right frame of mind for the training (remember, 400+ miles) and the fundraising.

And right now is the best time to be the ultimate "virtual walker stalker." I'm having a blast watching all the other walkers take their journey on the 3-Day experience. This weekend's the San Francisco walk (they take a ferry to camp!), next weekend is Seattle, and so on ... the Internet is loaded with wonderful photos, tweets (#the3day) and blog posts to give you an idea of what to expect and what the 3-Day world is like ... check it out! And think about it. Stef and I walk because we can. Can you?